Polio vaccine
My participation in the polio vaccine campaign Helping future generations
One of the most important humanitarian projects in which I participated several times was participating in the polio vaccination campaign. The aim of this campaign was to immunize children against polio and prevent the spread of this disease in Afghanistan. In this project, direct contact with children and families was a unique experience for me. Seeing small and innocent faces, who gave vaccines with open hands and without fear, strengthened the sense of responsibility and hope in my heart.
Changing children's lives
In this project, I had the opportunity to interact directly with families and children. The sweet laughter of the children after receiving the vaccine and the satisfaction of the families that they can protect their child from a deadly and crippling disease made me realize more the importance of this kind of humanitarian activities. Raising awareness and ensuring the future health of future generations was one of the most important achievements of this campaign, which gave me a deeper sense of social responsibility.
But this work was not without challenges. Attending this campaign in high-risk areas, especially in some provinces under the control of armed groups, was associated with serious threats. During the campaign, several cases of killings and shootings of vaccinators were recorded in other provinces, clearly indicating serious risks. These vaccinators were targeted by direct fire just to carry out a humanitarian mission and save children’s lives.